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Implementing ML & LLM in your Business: Essential Guide

There's so much talk about LLMs and ML, but you still might not really know what it's about. Or maybe you want to finally understand how to implement these models in your organization. If you answered ‘yes’ at least once, then you’ve come to the right place.



We will cover many topics today, including what LLMs and ML are, what they have in common, and some tips for applying them to your company. We will also talk about the steps you need to take in order to implement LLM and ML properly, several use cases, and how Inwedo can actually help you.

Lots of information ahead, so let’s get started.

What is an LLM?

LLMs is an abbreviation of large language models, which refers to advanced language algorithms designed to understand and generate human speech. These models are typically based on deep learning techniques, particularly neural networks.

LLMs are trained on large datasets that contain text from the internet, books, articles, and more. They can be used for various tasks such as:

  • text generation,
  • translation,
  • sentiment analysis,
  • chatbots,
  • summarization.

If you think you don’t know any LLM-based systems, then you will probably be positively surprised. Just look at OpenAI’s GPT-3 and GPT-4 (Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3), Google’s Bard and Duet AI, or Meta’s LLaMA. They all successfully use the LLM approach.

What is ML?

ML stands for machine learning. It is a broader field of artificial intelligence (AI) that encompasses the development of algorithms and models that can learn and make predictions or decisions based on data.

Machine learning models are designed to identify patterns, relationships, and insights within datasets. They can be trained to perform specific tasks without being explicitly programmed and are used in a variety of fields, including:

  • image recognition,
  • recommendation systems,
  • predictive analytics.

How are LLM and ML Connected?

Large language models and machine learning are related because the former is a specific application of the latter focusing on language-related tasks.

So, ML is a broader field, while LLM is a more specialized subset within it.


But that’s not all.

Here’s how they are connected and what they have in common:

Data Dependency

ML uses data to train models in order to recognize patterns, make predictions, or perform specific tasks. LLMs, on the other hand, uses data to teach the model the intricacies of language and make it capable of understanding and generating text. 48% of businesses use some form of AI like this to leverage big data effectively.


Both models involve the use of algorithms. In ML, include decision trees, and support vector machines, neural networks, plus more. LLMs are typically built upon neural networks and deep learning architectures. A huge leap forward has been made with the introduction of GPT technology, especially in recent months, which has further enhanced the capabilities of LLMs.

Predictive Capabilities

ML models predict outcomes based on collected information, while LLMs can generate coherent text based on the context and input provided.

Solving Problems

ML and LLM are used to solve complex problems. The former can tackle challenges in various domains, while the latter focuses on language-related problems.

Tips for Adopting LLM and ML in Your Organization

Integrating large language models and machine learning can be highly beneficial in a multitude of scenarios, particularly when you can combine different models together. For example, if you want to improve your decision-making, boost operational efficiency, or deliver a more personalized customer experience.

But to acquire all of these benefits, you must first integrate LLMs and ML in your organization, right?

So learn some tips before adopting these tools.

Get to know the law

Understand the legal and regulatory requirements related to the adoption of LLMs and ML. Maintain compliance with data protection rules, ethical guidelines, and other regulations.

Define objectives

Outline your business objectives for adopting LLMs and ML. Identify what problems or opportunities these technologies can solve.

Analyze infrastructure and resources

Examine your IT infrastructure and computing resources to support LLMs and ML workloads. Hardware, software, and storage requirements must be met.

Evaluate data quality & establish a governance framework

Make sure that you have enough high-quality data to train LLMs and ML models effectively. Build a robust framework for data collection, storage, usage, and protection. Consider privacy, security, and ethical issues.

Conduct Proof of Concept (POC) tests

Validate expected outcomes with POCs before committing fully. Gain insights into the benefits and limitations of LLMs and ML for your organization.

Develop an LLM and ML roadmap

Prepare a roadmap detailing how LLM and ML initiatives will be implemented in phases. To measure success, prioritize use cases, allocate resources, and establish key performance indicators (KPIs).

Build a skilled team

Determine the expertise required to implement LLMs and ML. Hire or train data scientists, machine learning engineers, and domain experts to fill skill gaps. You can also choose the quicker option of working with a professional partner, thanks to whom their experience and knowledge will help you with the adoption.

Look for real use cases

Find real-world examples to inspire you to apply LLMs and ML models to your organization.

Compare different solutions

Determine whether to build an on-premises LLM and ML infrastructure or to use cloud-based LLM and ML solutions. Research and evaluate various LLM and ML vendors and their offerings.

Steps on How to Efficiently Implement LLMs and ML in Your Business Operations

Now, to effectively implement LLMs and ML models, follow our step-by-step guide.


Step 1: Prepare Data and Choose Model

Focus on data preparation and algorithm selection. Thoroughly prepare data by collecting, cleaning, and labeling it while also engaging in feature engineering to enhance model performance.

Once your data is in order, discern technologically and decide what model to choose – GPT, LLaMA, Alpaca, Vicuna, OpenChatKit, or maybe GPT4ALL?

➡️ Use OpenAI’s GPT when you require a versatile and powerful language model for a wide range of natural language processing tasks.

➡️ LLaMA comprises a set of foundational language models with 7 billion to 70 billion parameters. Training was conducted using thousands of tokens and only publicly available datasets. LLaMA-13B thus outperforms GPT-3 (175B).

➡️ Alpaca is an option that can also compete with ChatGPT. It’s a suitable choice when you need a capable language model for chatbot applications at a lower cost.

➡️ Vicuna, which is finetuned from the LLaMA model, offers quality almost on par with OpenAI ChatGPT and Google Bard. It can be used when you seek high-quality interactions.

➡️ OpenChatKit is ideal when you need full control over your chatbot’s development and want to tailor it to your specific requirements.

➡️ GPT4ALL is a community-driven project with a wide range of applications. It is suitable for tasks requiring a model trained on a diverse corpus of assistant interactions, including code, stories, and multi-turn dialogues.

You can also look for models on websites like Hugging Face. The platform boasts an extensive repository comprising more than 420,000 models (as of December 2023). Thus, it’s an indispensable hub for those seeking reliable and efficient solutions for their daily language processing needs.

Next, carefully consider the architecture that aligns best with your use case. Your model, algorithms, and architecture choice should be in harmony with your specific business objectives and the nature of your data.

Step 2: Train Models and Evaluate Them

Now, your focus should be on adjusting your chosen, pre-trained models. Here you can bet on three options:

  • Fine-tuning – a quicker, less costly option requiring less expertise. The best way for those who do not have the means or time to train and test models from scratch.
  • Intermediate approach – here, you can retrain the model on specific data. This way, you won’t replace the original training but adapt the model more closely to specific needs. Of course, you need some expert knowledge but it is not as labor-intensive as building from scratch.
  • Deep training – involves retraining a current model from the beginning. This is labor-intensive, requires significant expertise, and is resource-heavy. It’s also super expensive. For example, the cost of training LLaMA 2 is estimated at $20 million, and OpenAI’s GPT-3 at least $5 million. Thus, this way is not preferred if you don’t have sufficient resources and knowledge.

Step 3: Deploy

After successfully training your models, the next step is to put them to work effectively. Deployment involves making your models accessible and operational, enabling them to contribute to your organization’s objectives.

This can be achieved through various methods, like leveraging cloud services, setting up on-premises solutions, or embedding algorithms directly into your applications.

Step 4: Continuously Monitor and Improve

As soon as your LLM and ML solutions are integrated into your business operations, it is essential to establish robust monitoring mechanisms. They allow you to keep a vigilant eye on system performance and identify any anomalies or areas where enhancements can be made.

Revisit and adapt your LLM and ML strategy as necessary. By doing so, you can continue to extract the maximum value from these technologies and keep them in sync with changing business needs.

If you take the right approach to model adaptation – that is to put a premium on ongoing maintenance, monitoring, and training – you will ensure a resilient model that dynamically evolves, ensures sustainability and efficiency, as well as enhances your business capabilities.

Step 5: Seek Support from Technology Partners

Collaborating with technology partners is a strategic move to consider during your adoption journey.

These partners can offer invaluable expertise, guidance, and support to steer your organization through the complexities of LLM and ML adoption. Their experience can help you overcome challenges, streamline the implementation, and ensure a smoother transition.

Thanks to leveraging a partner’s resources and insights, you can expedite your journey and make the most of these transformative technologies while minimizing hurdles and maximizing the benefits. Moreover, a good partner will have knowledge of the already available models and be aware of how and which ones to combine to get the best results.

LLM and ML Adoption Use Cases

You can research use cases from various industries to see how they use LLMs and ML. in many different business areas:

  • Customer support chatbots – provide instant responses to customer inquiries and improve the quality of support.
  • Personalized recommendations – offer tailored product or content recommendations to users, enriching the experience and increasing engagement.
  • Sentiment analysis – analyze the sentiment of customer reviews and social media posts and gain insights into their feedback.
  • Process automation – automate routine tasks such as data entry, document processing, and email categorization.
  • Predictive maintenance – predict situations when equipment or machinery is likely to fail, enabling proactive maintenance and reducing downtime.
  • Language translation – compared to earlier models, LLMs have reduced translation errors by 25%.
  • Image and video analysis – LLM and ML models are used in image and video recognition in fields like autonomous vehicles and security (facial recognition).
  • Supply chain optimization – optimize supply chain management, predict demand, manage inventory, and improve logistics operations.
  • Healthcare diagnostics – interpret medical images, analyze patient data, and improve the accuracy of disease diagnosis by 35%.
  • Math & financial calculations and analytics – handle complex mathematical calculations, optimize risk assessments, enhance efficient financial management, and execute trades with speed and precision. Models can analyze market trends and financial issues, extract valuable insights from vast datasets, and improve strategic planning.

Get Help From Inwedo

There are thousands of ready-made ML models and LLMs that can perform a variety of tasks and solve problems. But is there one perfect approach for seamless LLM/ML adoption?

Yes – the best solution is to work with a reliable technology partner.

At Inwedo, we are well-versed in the realm of data, large language models, and machine learning solutions. Thus, we can become your trusted technology partner.

Our services and unique approach center on more than just providing access to LLMs and ML models. We understand that the key to successful adoption is a seamless integration that aligns with your specific business objectives.

We work based on trust and loyalty while transparently communicating the challenges and intricacies of LLM and ML implementation. In any facet of your LLM and ML adoption, Inwedo is your reliable support system, ensuring that you harness the full potential of these transformative technologies.

Over to You

The integration of LLMs and ML into your business operations is quickly becoming a strategic imperative. From enhancing customer experiences and optimizing processes to making informed decisions, LLMs and ML offer unparalleled opportunities for growth and innovation.

Inwedo’s team of experts can assess your needs and determine whether an off-the-shelf model like LLaMA is the right choice or if a customized solution would be more suitable. We guide you through the entire adoption process, from choosing the right model and architecture to data preparation, deployment, and maintenance.

Explore the possibilities that LLMs and ML
can bring to your business

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