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.NET Technology

July 6 2023

5 cases when .NET is a top choice for startups

Very often, when a startup company comes to us with a product idea, and we recommend using .NET technology, they are surprised or concerned. Isn’t it more suited for large and complicated projects? Won’t the project get too expensive with .NET tools? What about projects that require high performance and speed?

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.NET Azure

June 14 2023

What is .NET used for? 9 examples of .NET applications

Are you thinking about choosing the .NET framework and its tools for your new development project but aren’t sure if it would be a good choice? We’ve prepared nine different examples of projects that were either built from scratch or modernized using the powers of .NET to show you just how versatile the framework can be.

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.NET Technology

March 30 2023

What Makes .NET a Popular Choice Among Our Clients?

Are you stuck trying to decide whether .NET is the right development platform for your next big project? It can be hard to pick what’s best for you, but .NET technology may well hold the answer. From its versatility and scalability to compatibility across multiple operating systems, discover why .NET might just be the perfect development option for your needs.

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